Safety Aspects and Advantages of DuraFlex Plastic Lids
- DuraFlex lids are up to 4 times lighter than metal lids, thereby considerably reducing the risk of accidents to waste operatives and members of the public.
- The lightweight construction of DuraFlex lids, made from high-grade UV-stabilised polyethylene, gives the same stability as heavier metal lids.
- The customised shape of the lid in relation to the profile of the container results in a significant level of noise reduction.
- A high degree of flexibility, adaptability to everyday use and impact resistance characterises DuraFlex lids.
- DuraFlex lids are impervious to water and climatic influences.
- They are maintenance-free and fundamentally easier to replace when damaged.
- A rotomoulded DuraFlex lid can be bent or crushed several times and still revert to its original shape. Once bent, steel stays bent!
- The uncomplicated mounting of DuraFlex lids without any pre-fabrication or corrosion protection saves container builders time and money.
The use of DuraFlex lids has eliminated serious and even fatal accidents caused by the failure of welds and springs.
- DuraFlex lids are quieter in operation than metal lids and single-walled lids.
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The widespread introduction of DuraFlex lids has contributed greatly to making the collection of solid waste a safer working environment.